Teeth whitening

Have you dreamed of a bright smile? Current products are constantly improving while protecting your teeth, a real promise of seduction, a beautiful smile inevitably requires healthy, aligned and white teeth.

What is a whitening?

Dental whitening in cosmetic dentistry is a lightening of the enamel and dentin through the use of hydrogen peroxide-based gel and for maximum efficiency, the use of a high-energy lamp is essential.

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At the MOQADEM dental center the latest generation zoom lamp is used, the teeth can gain up to 8 shades and all this in 3 times 15 min and in a single session in the chair.

Whether at home or in the dental office, bleaching should not be carried out without prior oral check-up in order to verify the absence of any contraindications: untreated cavities, weak enamel, gum irritation…

Effective descaling must be done carefully before any whitening treatment.

It often happens that the teeth can be dark in color and this, due to several factors such as aging, tobacco, alcohol, prolonged intake of medication or even sometimes genetics can be incriminated. Whitening is a solution for find the shine.

But unfortunately sometimes it has limits, it is for this reason that during the consultation Dr MOQADEM can make a precise diagnosis and direct towards other solutions if all the time the result will not be optimal.

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