Dental care

Maintaining your teeth properly is first and foremost about respecting basic hygiene rules, but it also involves dental care carried out by the dentist, from scaling to devitalization and sealing of the furrows…


It is a thorough cleaning done with ultrasound which aims to eliminate bacterial plaque, tartar and exogenous stains due to tobacco, coffee, tea, food, etc.

Caries treatment

When the tooth decays, it demineralizes and gradually becomes hollow, hence the need to treat it. Nowadays the fillings which formerly were unsightly are replaced by resins of the same color of the teeth called: COMPOSITE

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When the caries is too deep, generally the pulp is affected and at this stage it cannot be kept alive, hence the root treatment and reconstruction afterwards. It happens that sometimes the decay is too important, the crown indication is basic.

Tooth extraction

A tooth can be extracted for several reasons: decay, infection, loosening, fracture, mobility, malposition especially when it comes to wisdom teeth.

Extraction is part of surgical care and if this act was formidable before it is much less so today thanks to modern anesthesia techniques and powerful analgesics.

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