After investing in teeth whitening, it is crucial to take care of your teeth to maintain the results. Tooth enamel becomes more porous and susceptible to absorbing pigments from foods, which can compromise the brightness of your smile. Here, we present in detail the foods to avoid to preserve the whiteness of your teeth.


Foods and drinks with a high risk of staining


Certain foods and drinks are known for their ability to stain tooth enamel. After bleaching, it is recommended to avoid:

- Coffee and tea: These popular drinks can leave stubborn stains on whitened teeth.
- Red wine: Known for its coloring properties, red wine should be avoided immediately after bleaching.
- Sodas and colored drinks: The colorings present in these drinks can quickly alter the color of your teeth.
- Dark fruits and vegetables: Beets, blueberries, and other fruits with intense pigmentation should be avoided.
- Dark sauces: Soy sauce and tomato-based sauces can stain tooth enamel.


Acidic and hard foods


Acidic foods can increase enamel porosity, while hard foods can cause physical damage. It is therefore wise to avoid:
- Citrus fruits: Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits can erode tooth enamel.
- Hard candies: Not only can they stain, but they also pose a risk of cracking teeth.


Tips for a post-bleaching diet


To help prolong the effects of your teeth whitening, choose:

- Pale colored foods: Poultry, white fish, rice and pasta can be eaten without risk of staining.
- Clear drinks: Water, milk and some clear alcohols are safe choices.
- Pale fruits and vegetables: Bananas and white potatoes are safe food options.


What to do if you accidentally eat coloring foods?


If you accidentally consume a risky food or drink, act quickly:

- Brushing your teeth: Clean your teeth immediately after consumption to minimize staining.
- Mouthwashes: Use mouthwash to help remove pigments before they become embedded.


By following these recommendations, you can help prolong the whiteness of your teeth after teeth whitening. Remember that maintenance is the key to a long-lasting bright smile. For more information and personalized advice, consult your dentist.