Tooth loss is a common problem that can occur at any age, due to cavities, periodontal disease, trauma or simply aging. Not only does it affect the aesthetics of the smile, but it can also have repercussions on oral health, masticatory function and self-confidence. Fortunately, modern technology in Marrakech offers an effective and lasting solution: dental implants.


What is a dental implant?


A dental implant is an artificial root, usually made of titanium or zirconia, that is surgically inserted into the jawbone. On this solid base, a ceramic crown can be attached, which mimics the appearance and function of a natural tooth.


The benefits of dental implants

Dental implants offer many advantages over traditional solutions such as removable prostheses or bridges:

- Stability and comfort: They integrate with the bone by osseointegration, offering stability comparable to that of natural teeth.
- Durability: Made from biocompatible materials, they are designed to last for many years.
- Aesthetics: They faithfully reproduce the shape, color and brightness of natural teeth.
- Preservation of bone: By replacing the root of the tooth, they help maintain the integrity of the alveolar bone.
- Improved function: They restore the ability to chew and speak correctly, thus contributing to a better quality of life.


The implementation process


The installation of a dental implant takes place in several stages:

1. Initial consultation: A complete oral health assessment is carried out, including a radiological examination to assess the quantity and quality of the bone.
2. Implant surgery: The implant is inserted into the bone under local anesthesia, and the gum is closed.
3. Healing: A period of 2 to 6 months is necessary for the implant to integrate into the bone.
4. Placement of the crown: Once the implant has been integrated, a permanent crown is made and fixed on the implant.


All-on-8: a complete dental restoration


For those who have lost most or all of their teeth, the All-on-8 technique represents a complete restoration option. It consists of fixing a complete prosthesis on eight dental implants, offering a stable and durable solution.


Risks and Considerations


Like any surgical procedure, the placement of dental implants carries risks, such as infection or rejection of the implant. However, with careful planning and proper post-operative care, these risks are minimized.


Dental implants are a revolution in the field of dentistry, providing a reliable solution for those who want to solve tooth loss problems once and for all. With continued advancements in techniques and materials, they represent the future of dental restoration. For more information on dental implants and to find out if this solution is suitable for your situation, do not hesitate to consult our Dental Aesthetics Office in Marrakech.